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It's a whirlwind of adventures

A lot has been going on around me these days so I think I will separate my blog posts just like I seem to do in life. I love being a business owner and operator but I also really love being a Mom so I try to have time to be both but I like to keep them as separate as I can if that makes any sense. It's like I enjoy pretending I am a stay at home mom but also an entrepreneur at the same time. So I'll talk more about my business in the next post is what I am babbling about. I can not believe it is already almost Valentines day What's up with that. I tried hinting to my husband that if you are going to get me flowers I want potted flowers that I can enjoy for a long time but you know how men are so we shall see. Sydeney is super excited about her first Valentines party in Kindergarten on Monday and can't wait to shop for cards to write all of her classmates names on. It is almost time to start thinking about her upcoming birthday too as I am sure that will be sneaking up on me soon. I recently won a few awesome opportunities from my friend the internet : ) I got selected for the Huggies pullup potty dance party from this will be my third party from! My package should get here in the next day or two. I was also given a nice package including a free flip cam from so my family can participate in Primrose Family Dance Off contest that supports Children's miracle network hospitals. You should check out the contest and join in with your family for this great cause and maybe even win some money for yourself and money to donate to your local children's hospital.

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